Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Blood Pressure Tests at Walgreens

We placed our “This is Public Health” sticker on a Blood Pressure Test sign. This sign at Walgreens gives people the opportunity to get a free consultation for their blood pressure and to better educate themselves in knowing what numbers your blood pressure should/should not be. Since public health's main focus is primary prevention and promotion we felt it was best to address the issue of high blood pressure. Suffering from high blood pressure can cause a domino effect and it's best to control the problem before it arises. We choose this location because I shop at Walgreens and visit the pharmacy often and it’s a popular location. I never take the time to look at the signs, but now that we put this sticker on one of them, we hope to have people who regularly visit for medications, consultations, health issues, and more, see it and consider getting a check of their health status. Despite progress in prevention, detection, treatment, and control of high blood pressure, hypertension remains an important public health problem. People can lower their blood pressure by changing some things in their current lifestyle. Exercise, healthy eating habits, reduced sodium intake, and limiting alcohol consumption are just a few. High blood pressure is a public health issue because if people are not informed and advised to regularly have their blood pressure checked, it could potentially lead to damage before symptoms develop. Left uncontrolled, you may wind up with a disability, a poor quality of life, or even a fatal heart attack. Fortunately, with treatment and lifestyle changes, you can control your high blood pressure to reduce risk of life-threatening complications.

Group 4: Kayla, Tina, Zoila, and Alyssa


  1. The voluntary screening that Walgreens is a great option that provides the public with awareness concerning diseases involved with blood pressure. The usefulness of screening acts as a forewarning to allow people to alter their lifestyles in order to change their outcomes. This is especially relevant when speaking about America, where Hypertension is on the rise among citizens. There are too many consequences involved with letting high blood pressure go untreated for this to be ignored by the general public.

  2. I believe this is a good example of a public health measure that has had great success. In today’s American culture and society it is far to easy and convenient to eat fast food or meals that do not provide proper nutrients. This can lead to high blood pressure, otherwise known as hypertension. It is great that these blood pressure tests are easily accessible to the public because people no longer need to go to a health clinic or their doctor to see how their blood pressure is. Hypertension is a rising problem that most Americans are facing today due to lack of exercise and poor diet, so being able to take a blood pressure test at your convenience could potentially help individuals overall health.

  3. I really like this selection for your sticker. I think that blood pressure machines are very important to have in everyday stores such as Walgreens. Many people underestimate the importance of maintaining good blood pressure, so by having one of these in stores such as Walgreens, people can keep track of their blood pressure. High blood pressure is actually very common and many people do not know they have it. This was a very good choice and definitely represents Public Health

  4. Yes I have realized in the past couple of years how important it is to measure your blood pressure often. High blood pressure can cause dizziness, headaches, and much more. A normal range is under (130 over 85). Also, high blood pressure can cause expecting mothers to be induced and have their babies earlier than expected; this is because the w omens blood pressure usually drops back to normal right after delivery.

  5. it is very important to test your blood as it can help detect things such as high blood pressure and cholesterol. I believe by having blood pressure testing in places such as Walgreens is a great way for the community to get a free pre-screening to their health. it is also a great opportunity for children to learn the importance of high blood pressure and how to keep themselves healthy

  6. Getting blood pressure readings help reduce your risk of high blood pressure and getting it done at a local store is very helpful and saves you money from going to the doctor for check-ups. This is one of the best public health statures that can be offered to our community and I am sure helps saves lives. As long as you know how to read your blood pressure and you take care of yourself, you are set in for a healthy long living life.
