Saturday, June 8, 2013

Donating Blood Saves Lives Too

The location we chose that we believed constitutes public health was the Florida Blood Services. In our photo, you see two members of the group donating blood. We placed the sticker on the table/cabinet that is in between the two chairs where the procedure takes place. I bet you’re wondering how giving blood is related to Public Health. Well, the way that Florida Blood Services contributes to public health is it acts as a secondary prevention and tertiary prevention. Donating blood is a secondary prevention because it’s a way of screening for various STI’s, diseases, etc. They take samples of your blood to test your blood type, hemoglobin, iron level, blood pressure, HIV, syphilis, cholesterol, and gonorrhea. It also acts as a tertiary prevention because the blood that the volunteer donates is packaged and can be used as a treatment for cancer patients, blood transfusions, newborn infants with low iron levels, and also for people who are in any trauma, like scenes of car accidents. What people don’t know is a simple visit to donate your blood can results in saving your life and someone else. You can get information on your health whether it is a STI or high cholesterol levels; this could have been something you would have never known without a visit to the Florida Blood Services.  And your blood could be the reason for helping a patient stay alive. Have you ever heard of people losing too much blood during surgery or at a scene of an accident? Or people who can find someone with the same blood type for a blood transfusion?  Getting people to donate blood will lessen these incidents, that’s why the Florida Blood Services is important and can make changes in public health.

By: Quianna Chavis, Sam Crabtree, and Natalia Meza


  1. I think this blog is very informational and really makes people aware of needing to give blood. This is a great public health awareness, because giving blood can be used in so many useful ways. I personally have no experience in donating, or actually needing a blood transfusion. My attitude towards this topic is that people should give blood and after reading this I'm going to do it.

  2. I thought this blog provided a lot of information about the benefits of donating blood. A person who takes one visit to a blood bus can find out their own health status and maybe seek treatment if they have something. Donating blood can also save a life which is amazing because it only take about 20 minuets out of ones day. Donating blood is a great public health function that out society provides because it can save so many lives.

  3. This is such a good representation of Public Health. Your description of how donating blood is a primary and a tertiary prevention really had me thinking why people don't donate more. I always ask myself how can I help other people and donating blood is a great way to start. By donating blood I am not only helping myself but also another person in great need, and it only takes about half an hour of my day. Thanks for the motivation!

  4. This is a great post in regards to Public Health. It provided a lot of important information that everyone can benefit from. Not only will people be saving lives by donating blood, it can also save the lives of people wanting to donate as well by getting their blood tested for any infections or diseases. It’s a win-win situation! Knowing that one is helping another life in need is a great feeling.

  5. I think this is a great Public Health representation. People underestimate how much they can health by simply donating blood and they take it for granted. Often, I see the trucks locations offering movie tickets or tickets to see a Rays' game or some other gift in efforts to gain donors. I always encourage my coworkers to donate when the truck comes to our store because I think it’s a great cause.
    I think it’s great that you guys also put the benefits to donors as well.

  6. This blog greatly demonstrates public health because it involves the efforts of the community to save lives. It greatly benefits the community on both sides of the spectrum because it allows for people to get involved and saves lives while others are the ones receiving life changing treatment. Personally, I have donated blood many times and can say from experience it is a life-changing because you are helping others; you leave feeling like you have accomplished something monumental.

  7. This is a great example of public health out in the community. Donating blood not only can help or possibly save someone's live, but it can also help the donor and educate them on their own blood health. We all know that blood is a necessity for human life, but what some do not know is that individuals in their 20's should have a CBC done at least every 5 years. What a great way to get a free check up! Donating blood is truly a case where one can have their cake and eat it too.
