Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Smoke-Free Campus

Our group decided to post our public health sticker on a sign at the Florida Hospital across the street from USF. We chose a No smoking sign that was on the premises. We chose a hospital because it contributes a great amount to public health in the community. The sign we found was on the outside the building. This lets people know right away that the hospital does not permit smoking what so ever and that to smoke you must be somewhere off the property. The reason that we felt this would be a good place to put our sticker is because it is very important for individuals not to be exposed to cigarette smoke. It is very dangerous and can hurt many individuals. IN the US 1 in 13 men will contract lung cancer and 1 out of 16 will get it as well in their life time. As far as second hand smoke it can be just as dangerous as a person smoking themselves. This can cause lung cancer, which is the main cause of death between men and women ,and possibly even more damage to a child. Who may not have the able to speak up. This sign can also promote people to cut back on smoking as a whole. For workers and family member and even patients this can affect many people. As many people know is nothing healthy about cigarettes and hopefully this will stop people from smoking as often and in public. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keri Armbruster, Michelle Nurmohamed, Kelbe Jahnke, Gerard Mulles


  1. This is a great example of Public Health. Smoking is extremely hazardous not only to those who smoke but for those who have to be around the smoke. Having smoke free campuses is one major step in the right direction for reducing smoke related health issues. I hope that actions like these continue because it really is beneficial to us all.

  2. Smoking in or around a hospital is one of the worst thing a person can do. Patients who are sick from cancer can get worse from second hand smoking. Having smoke-free signs around the hospital is a very good public health measure for reducing smoking habits of the workers there. I am glad the USF campus is smoke free, personally the smell stays with the person for a while and it's nice to walk around the campus not having to smell it.
