Monday, September 12, 2011

I placed my sticker on the bench press machine. Located in the Avalon Heights weight room. The issue of obesity is endemic. I look at so many individuals that carry excess weight and I think to myself "What excuse can you possibly have for getting so big?" Some of these guys resemble Peter Griffin from Family Guy. I chose this location because society does not place enough emphasis on physical activity such as strenth training. The same people who say "Oh man I just dont have the time" are the exact same people who sit on the couch watching T.V. in their free time. If their health was more important to them they would make a greater effort to squeeze it in their schedule. This is a public health issue because these are the same people that will one day walk into a doctor's office and hear bad news. "Sir you have type two diabetes" or "Mam there is a lump on your left breast, we need you to undergo furth testing to determine if its cancerous." As much as we criticize society for creating environments that promote these health ailments we need to place some blame on the individual for not taking his or health more seriously. The benefits of physical activity such as strength training cannot be overstated. This issue is important because if we added proper nutrition and physical training to our daily lives many common diseases would be prevented and health insurance costs would not be so high. Strength training is even good for the mind. Its been proven that strength training increases Dopamine, Serotonin, and norepinephrine levels in the brain, combatting depression. If we are to move toward a healthy society, we better make changes to our lifestyle such as becoming good friends with the dumbells and bench press.


  1. I am a huge proponent for physical health and being active on a daily basis; It is important that people recognize the benefits of an active lifestyle and not rely on dieting or gimmicks for weight loss. The goal should never be to be skinny, but to be healthy with a balanced diet the is complemented by some kind of physical activity. Having a healthy daily life can greatly reduce the risk of health problems and improve overall quality of life.

  2. Obesity continues to be an ongoing problem in United States and throughout the developed world. The CDC estimates health care costs related to obesity totaled $147 billion in 2008. About one of every three American adults is obese according to the CDC. Obesity often is a factor in some of the leading causes of death, such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Interestingly enough it is according to the National Institutes of Health 4 times more expensive to insure an obese person than a life long smoker... Interesting

  3. I wake up everyday fitting in the gym or any other kind of physical activity into my schedule. Many individuals don't realize how important becoming physically active is, I luckily have motivated some of my friends to come along and join me at the gym. In the long run I know that there are many chronic diseases that I could avoid by maintaining my active lifestyle.

  4. Physical activity should be apart of everyone's daily rountine; exercise builds a healthy body and a healthy mind. With the emotional and mental burdens of work, school, and other responsibilities, expending energy through exercise and/or just moving is a great way to relieve stress. Endorphins can also be released, leaving with a person a feeling of well being. Finally, confidence is gained with accomplishment of challenges, physical strengh, and better muscle alignment (posture). Daily life is physically and mentally more manageable.
