Monday, January 30, 2012

Women's Care Clinic

We placed our sticker on the Women’s Care Florida clinic to emphasize the importance of preventative health in our community. A women’s care center is important in that it deals with multiple issues regarding women’s health. Centers such as these allow for better access to health care, as it functions as a safe haven for women and works against any health disparities women may face in co-ed clinics.
The essence of public health is the prevention of diseases and promotion of good health. It is clear that many of the illnesses or diseases that individuals in our community have contracted could have been prevented if the proper procedures were taken. Routine screening procedures are paramount for every individual in order to avoid diagnosing a condition when it has already become fairly serious or life threatening. This clinic mainly offers methods of primary prevention, which is a type of prevention taken before any exposure to a disease. Such methods offered include such procedures as HPV, Hep A and B, influenza, pneumonia, and shingles immunizations. It also offers mammogram screenings as well.
            Not only does this clinic offer methods of prevention, it also promotes good health as a continuum of the prevention. The Women’s Care Florida clinic does so by providing patients with nutritional plans that encourage healthy lifestyles and prevent a number of diet-related diseases. This type of prevention is extremely important because obesity and other related diseases are very prevalent in our society today. Thus, the prevention of such illnesses by screening methods and nutritional plans make this clinic an excellent example of public health in our community.


  1. Its is crucial for women to get educated about their health and how to prevent disease and pregnancies from occurring. I believe that one of our biggest faults as women is that we are unaware and naive of the information that is out there and the different preventatives. Getting educated is the first step in protecting ourselves and keeping our bodies healthy. You see the sticker, so get out there and get educated!

  2. I think having resources like women clinics in a community only improves the health of the area. They have the available resources for treatment, education and provide a sense of security in a time of need. Because of places like this teen pregnancy rates, early cancer detection and a reduction of STDs in a community can occur.

  3. Women health clinics are very essential in every community because women are at greater risk for STI's than men are. These clinics promote health and wellness by educating women on everything from birth control to what to do if they contract an STI. These clinics are also very important helping in preventing cancers and STI's with their screenings and various programs. If someone comes in these clinics and they test positive the individual is able to get the treatment they need or they are referred to a doctor who specializes in their illness. Great choice! Go Public Health!

  4. This women's health clinic offers screening to patients as a secondary measure in maintaining public health. A clinic designated to the treatment of disease and illness that occur primarily in women will be more efficient at providing treatment if such an illness or disease may occur. Any clinic, for that matter, that caters to a specific subgroup of people who are prone to specific illnesses is a great was to facilitate public health.

  5. i think that this women's health clinic is a great example of what public health is geared at the prevention, and treatment of illnesses that affect women specifically. Sometimes it is hard to get the correct screenings and care when you go to a general clinic for all types of people, so for there to be a place like this fro women i think its a perfect example of public health.
